Painting Gallery

Assorted Warm-ups

A talismanic image I painted in late August of 2018. Shared with the caption “Three in one and one in three, may we imagine collectively to be! And bring utopia home“.

February 2020. Painted after watching all of the dvd box set for season three of Home Movies including commentaries and Best Show interview with Jon H. Benjamin. Thematically not much of a connection.

July 2019. A sort of self portrait wondering about cartoons and fences.

October 2018. Another astrological and talismanic image painted to channel my feelings surrounding the Venus retrograde of that year that coincided with the Kavanaugh hearings.

April 2019.

August 2020. Painted from photograph the Lockridge Medical Clinic, one of the three structures designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in Montana. The building was torn down in 2018 despite efforts to assign it emergency historical status.

November 2018. Painted while listening to Bjork’s “Homogenic” over and over.

March 2018. Titled, “Lost in the Woods”, this digital painting was a reworking of an image that came to me in an automatic drawing that took me an entire night to complete. Sun down to sun up.

Painted shortly after playing Pokemon Sword and Shield through. This is my Meat/Ghost type pokemon, “GabaGhoul”. As you can imagine, it is the lingering spirit of some old capicola.

November 2018.

September 2018.

April 2018. Had just heard of solar punk and was inspired to imagine what the eco-future will look like.