
The Psychic Dinosaur


Born during the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event, Gormio suffered the unpleasantness of not only being self aware, but psychic, in an unconscious world of creatures grappling with the collapse of the plant based food chain.

Gormio survives this apocalypse by adapting to a diet of insects and other life forms that thrive on dead and detritus.

One day, Gormio awakens from a horrible nightmare to a bright flash. Before him, an iridescent orb the size of a marble expands outwards into a metallic craft. Out steps the great smell scientist Dr. Scenturius who comforts Gormio and takes him to the future to raise him as his son to save him from the ruin of this time period. Together, the two travel through time using smell samples and the power that smells have over memory.


Smell: Amber

Height: 6’2″

Associated Stinkease: Dr. Scenturius (Adoptive Father/ Time Travel Companion)
