The Intergalactic Midwife
Hathammon was originally a mid-west dairy cow abducted by aliens. Sent as representatives of a vast, universe spanning, secret society, the aliens were tasked with finding suitable creatures to raise to higher consciousness and represent the interests of their respective planets. This organization deals with the transitional periods when the collective consciousness of planets transition in and out of higher awareness.
Hathammon is given the choice to remain conscious or return to her previous life and chooses the former despite grief over losing her one friend, the farm girl who raised her.
The technology the aliens gave Hathammon allowed her access to the entire library of DNA of all life on Earth. It also gave her the power to pick the exact form that fits her internal image of herself. Complete control of her physical form. This is why she takes on a humanoid form with great ram horns made of ammonite. She names herself after the gods Hathor and Ammon respectively. Hathammon visits planets on the precipice of consciousness and ushers them through that door way as a loving midwife.
Smell: Lavender and Sweetgrass
Height: 5′ 7″
Associated Stinkease: Anew (Romantic Partner/Team Member)