Fred Rick Lepid

The UV Fairy


Standing on a high mountain crest, staring into the foggy valley below, appears Fred Rick Lepid. A determined philosopher, Fred reflects on the rainbowed shadow waving along the tops of the clouds. Puzzling on the nature of this image. Reflecting on his own place in the world.

Despite his interest in higher notions of self purpose, and manifestation, the young man was surprisingly unequipped among his peers. No college education and not familiarly acquainted with enough of the great texts for their liking. His instincts seemed to sharpen from mundanity, not the abstracted pontifications of his fellow philosophers. They shunned him as an unserious thinker mistaking his innocence for naivety. What Fred saw in his meditations was real though. Vaporous but none the less real, like the dark ghost that followed him down the ridge-line.

Fred’s accolades as a thinker may not have been here on Earth, but they were out in unseen realms held by invisible witnesses of immense import. Great and ancient observers who see our lives as if we were the characters on a television screen. They loved the character of Fred dearly. He seemed to them, so insightful, and clumsy, to be the perfect comic relief. That’s why as Fred is about to descend the mountain top, the loneliest of these lost gods pulls him through a hidden portal in a tall chestnut tree. The widower God offers Fred Rick a job as his divine messenger, with the perk of all the status of a true psychopomp. Fred accepts the terms and serves faithfully, enthralled by the opportunity to see past the veil into the visions of the great ones. Why wouldn’t he? On Earth he had but a sliver of such which is still more than most people ever see in a hundred life times.

What Fred failed to consider though, in leaving his mortal life behind, was that he also left behind the only person who had ever believed in him, whether he knew it or not. The morbid poetess Astrid Dopterra was left in grief and deep longing by his absence. Stuck in her gloomy parlor, forced to relive the joy of arguing with Fred Rick over the nature of life and humanity. Antagonizing him on purpose with cynical, uncharitable, positions to hear him rant and rave about how life is inherently good and built upon an animating force of love. While Fred would miss his intellectual rival and their late night conversations, what he failed to see, was that his intellectual rival was the concealed form of his true love all along. The man complains at length about how people miss the most obvious truths of human life through over examination. Ironic that he couldn’t see that coming, but you can never be smart enough to understand fate, no matter how much thinking you do.


Height: 5’8″

Smell: Mountain Air

Associated Stinkease: Stinko (Adopted Son)