Dr. Ace Scenturius

Smell Scientist

Back Story

All the way here from the year 2044, it’s acclaimed smell scientist Dr. Ace Scenturius! Dr. Ace is most well known for his innovations in the science of time travel but his investment in that field was mainly incidental to his work with noses. Scenturius had worked for 20 years exploring the powerful relationship between smell and memory before discovering that their correlation was far more direct than anyone could imagine. Smell is actually a medium for information that functions outside of linear time. You can actually travel to a particular point in time by discovering an existing historical sample, or simulating it. Using special time crystalization technology, the signature of that moment can be extracted from the smell.

Despite Dr. Scenturius’ capability, the time flow is not easily accessed even with this technology. The interconnecting network of smells is diligently protected by the Time Scenturions, a dangerous guard of giants who blockade all entrances in and out of the time stream. Precautionary measures of the utmost scrutiny must be taken on every trip backwards or forwards.

Of all the trips Dr. Scenturius took, obviously the most important was to the extinction of the dinosaur. In the future of 2044, all people are naturally psychic or have access to heightened psychic abilities compared to our time. Technologies even exist to analyze moments in the history of Earth where psychic tendencies had previously appeared. Scenturius and his research team had identified that the first being on Earth to be born with psychic abilities was a lone dinosaur during the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event. Sensing the young dinosaur’s fear, confusion, and suffering, Scenturius travels back and retrieves him from this bleak reality. Naming him “Gormio”, Ace would raise him as his son and take him on as his time travel companion. An edutaintment cartoon show called “The Fantastical Adventures of Gormio and Dr. Scenturius” chronicles their findings and teaches kids the importance of scientific thinking.

Gormio is raised by Ace and his wife Aureola. The older couple have been together for nearly 50 years at this point having met in undergrad. It was Aureola who first inspired Ace to take an interest in smells. She is a perfumer and smell artist who dazzled the young man with the potential for nuance smells are capable of.

Ace finances most of his ventures off of the lucrative scent based product development he does in his spare time. The lab where he does most of this work, and tests and experiments new tech he affectionately calls the “Ol’ Factory”.


Height: 5’6″

Smell: Cedar

Associated Stinkease: Gormio (Son/Time Travel Companion)