
The Planetary Death Doula


Born on a planet in a distant binary star system, Anew is a kind and quiet dog who assists planets who have reached the end of their cycle of consciousness development and are ready to leave this plane of existence. He is a shepherd for ancient spirits ready to ascend to the non-linear reality of death, their essence captured first in smell samples so that their history can be compressed and saved for posterity. Each smell is made richer by the addition of humic acid from the planet’s soil samples. Anew is an ambassador of death and rot. The secret source of life; flowing effortlessly into the domain of their wife Hathammon.

Anew takes the form of a black dog with fur made of ferro-fluid, a magnetic oil that changes shape relative to Anew’s mood and psychic energy. Their glowing red eyes are like two lit cigarettes in the dark.

Similar to their wife, Hathammon, Anew was also an animal abducted by an alien organization, GREY, and raised to higher consciousness. Anew’s experience of this process was far more traumatizing though. Hathammon’s abduction came after centuries of development of the practice, when a code of conduct was firmly established. Anew and his brother, however, were the first test subjects of scientists not interested in the technology for any sake but itself. This psychic experimentation originated on Anew’s home planet, AnƱn. Despite what Anew and his brother Hyen experienced, Anew still believes in the mission of GREY. Hyen did intitially, too. Anew, Hyen, and Hathammon were part of a four person squad that perpetuated balance in the universe. All the more heartbreaking when Hyen abandoned his post to seek the source of Chaos in the unlisted worlds beyond GREY’s awareness.


Smell: Sulfur, Shijalit

Height: 6’2″

Associated Stinkease: Hathammon (Wife/Team Member)