Mother of Fabric



The “Mother of Fabric”, as she is known most commonly, is the unnamed matriarch of the ancient Stinonian cult. Stinoanianism, coalescing in the 14th Presbyonish dynasty, was a secretive, and underground, mystery religion. Not much information has survived to the current day, and our knowledge of the ancient Stinoanian pantheon is mainly surmised from a handful of engravings and carvings.

Despite this small collection, the “Mother of Fabric” is always depicted as a woman whose body is covered in stars and is shrouded in unfolding cloth. In the most famous carving, a bas-relief from a Stinoanian temple in the southern reaches of the Ariroma desert, this cloth is rendered in stunning detail. Rivaling the level of rendering and dynamism the much later Mannerist movement approximately 2,500 years later.

In the contemporary Textilian religion, which derives from a lineage started by the Stinonians, the “Mother of Fabric” is said to represent the very fabric of space/time. That her body is the vessel of reality. She is a foil to her husband, the “Stitched Father”, who represents the smallest building block of matter, the atom. The metaphor being that his singular stitches amass to become her great, expansive, form. All of reality exists between their interplay, and their interplay is symbolized by their son, the “Woven Child”.


Height: ???

Smell: Laundry Detergent

Associated Stinkease: Stitched Father (Consort)