oh no Meno
A mote of me must know
not to show my hand on
A balanced beam so glossamer I can’t even stand on;
A dream as intense and immediately made.

“Wouldn’t it also be unwise,
Not to expand on and expose its pink glow?”
I bray in my mind to rationalize
my preoccupation with our long ass noses…
Autistic Pinocchios where they grow in others eyes with insistent honesty.
Urbane and feral bourbon barrel on Etsy explodes under presssure and noise becoming charred chair.
Turquoise hair on a stranger, someone dear lost in disguise, poising.
Candlewick further handles the trick and I’m misguided by the wizened as we mosey.
Can’t even be led astray in an ashtray.
Under pine tree on picnic holding hands in bliss, cozy.
Anguished primrose against grim prose, scapegrace.
Two caped penguins facing flightless, or however that Fleischer song of the birds goes, taken a little less literary and literal.
Peeking and pecking through my blindfold during the pin the morality tale, error weary.
February daring fairy in estuaried hotel room surely embarrassing you in front of my friends who I love very much and can’t wait to share with you!

Lol and behold,
Hyper beaming at this gay little thing we’ve got going.
A pay-per-view on demand of me getting laid out by the sight of you,
Broadcast across your arms.

Played and plaid, unadvisable speed run.
Future focused Jetson
jettisons themself into Sunspot
out of eagerness to envision us together when this is done.
Fred rocks steady waiting to be,
pop bedroom rock, sparkle in our mouth effervescently.
Our love effortlessly as a one-a-day,
like in the dolce vitaminute.
A hand of Barbera grapes absorbing lignin symbols in it, oak cask leads to plum.
Supplements left out now leading to fun and rum.

I’m not afraid of waiting.

Meno oh me oh my,
A photon needles my eye as I refuse to emote my interest until I’m all in,
dizzy spell for the coy load bearing poster.
Ambivalence shell,
Folding in on myself,
tossed hand,

Colloidal bismuth in a salient solution stains me opalled, appalled, pallid, and pruned.
Golden struts hammered in on a traveling tune.
Irradiant sparkle in cloying charm.
Conscious enough not to disarm, a gleaming beacon, a raucous alarm.
Only in years will this not appear like smug and smarm.
“I don’t need you to trust me wholly,” I say on my knees wringing my hands above my head prostrate.

Ployed and Plotted in a lonely day on a construction site. Wincing again at my habit to get a head of myself.
Blue Prince on a tail gate dictating museum lay outs while I forget to install floor joists first.
Strawberry and rhebarb pie, “a rod on ’em.”
You design the city and I’ll build it.

Thinly spit, Audie orders wrong.
Dimly wit like a portapotty sconce.
Hopefully this time you’re not gone.
Flimsy quit on my sorta spotty part.

I indict this part of me! Please let me reframe this around you. We don’t have to build anything but the present moment.

From Ume to Momo to you and me
as Nemo,
we’re no one besides a feeling.
Hormone undermining omen finding.

Copperhead snake in hourglass frames sees everything as a matter of time.
Antimony on my sleeve an onus against aloneness.

A magician in lasers,
so I paw at the peach and plum blanket covering the big reveal.

A murmur dusted onto the highway by a passing car breaks my focus.

Told in conferdence,
It’s funny how everything goes back to how I love you.

-Audaline a. a. roos