Lil’ Stinkease Prints


5″ x 5″ prints of all your favorite smell based characters! Lil’ Stinkease will brighten your home, your hearth, your house, your heart!

SKU: lil-stinkease-prints


Let’s sing them together! Stinko, Gormio, Hathammon’s next!

Anew sends Dr. Scenturius a text!

Bibbitt reports to Cephalyon and Ceph to Fred!

Fred’s beyond the world of the living and the dead!

A Mother and Father beyond time, A many eyed creature, an uncoscious crime.

Yet, the Goddess returned to the Earth, and from the loam, comes our great story, comes this great tome.

So look close for candles,

and look close for stars.

A flame in the night,

A familiar world winking from afar.

May your stinks be eased.

Additional information

Dimensions 12.7 × 12.7 cm


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